Good to hear, minimus! Glad it went well for you.
I've been to a few memorials where the deceased was remembered, above and beyond the script.
i have to say that the talk was very good.
instead of just repeating a jw manual , the speaker actually spoke about my brother!
there were a few scriptures with the jw hope but 80 % of the talk was actually about the life of my brother.
Good to hear, minimus! Glad it went well for you.
I've been to a few memorials where the deceased was remembered, above and beyond the script.
i had never thought about this until just now when i saw that nathan natas posted some early tract from rutherford, and it made me think back to what little i could remember of the history i was taught.
i now know that in most cases the dubs will spin stories in their favor.
so i'm now assuming i was told some fictitious story about what happened when the leaders were thrown in prison and things looked bleak for the cult way back when.
Knorr and Franz were happy that he was no longer at New York but far away in some nice house on the opposite coast where the weather is good practically all year. -- Brokeback Watchtower
Thanks, BW:
That's exactly what I read, come to think of it, in The Four Presidents, by Edmund Gruss.
i had never thought about this until just now when i saw that nathan natas posted some early tract from rutherford, and it made me think back to what little i could remember of the history i was taught.
i now know that in most cases the dubs will spin stories in their favor.
so i'm now assuming i was told some fictitious story about what happened when the leaders were thrown in prison and things looked bleak for the cult way back when.
I recall a Society publication (Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose [?]) stating that our "dear Brother Rutherford" suffered a bout of pneumonia while in prison and, upon release from prison, was urged by the brothers to spend time in the healthful climate of southern California.
Terry would know . . .
the attached picture is historical.
the man on left is ari hakkarainen, representative of jw in finland.
the woman in middle is reporter susanna päivärinta and the lady at right is josefina pakomaa who was abused by family friend - a jw - when she was 11. a vicious apostate today.
You say the attached picture is historical. -- steve2
Historic -- significant, important, noteworthy, . . .
I believe that is what Festus meant.
Thank you, Festus.
stuff you never expected you would do or enjoy doing as a non-witness.... researching - always thought i hated study and reading turns out it was just wt literature i hated studying and reading.
having political opinions and just having opinons and beliefs that are not set in stone and that i am free to assess, review and adjust as i become more aware of imformation .
droping the f-bomb every now and again to make a point feels surprisingly good but that may just be post-religious rebellion that wears off... eventually.
Hey, sparrow . . .
Speaking of expletives, it's also a grammar term (words in bold):
Expletive Words and Phrases Definition Expletives are words or phrases that do not add any structural or grammatical meaning to the sentence. These words and phrases are often referred to as empty words, meaningless phrases, or redundant pairs because they do not add any information to the sentence.
On point, I did a thread a while back about giving up The Fifth Dimension's "The Age of Aquarius/Let the Sun Shine In" because it made me feel pagan as I reveled in blatant idolatry. Now, I write poetry about Goddess Moon.
Weren't original religions goddess- and earth- and cosmic-based?
my father died a couple of months ago.
he'd been ill for some time and had many health scares and heart troubles over the years but always managed to keep on going.
then one time he didn't.. i'm glad i got to know him again and spend some more time with him after so many years missed because of the wts but those years will always be lost forever.
I'm sorry about your losing your father, Simon, as well as the treatment you received.
Thanks for giving this place to share our stories.
so, once again the society has produced a cringe-worthy, spew-inducing piece of "cinema".. i don't recognise this religion anymore...... enjoy this review:.
Where did WT find all the Assyrians?
Perfect casting. So believable.
i ask this because i have noticed that many people in your life just don’t communicate like they could.. i realize i come from a different generation but does anybody ever use the phone and give someone a call?
i know of people who never answer their phone unless they listen to a message that would be left.
you are lucky if you get a text..
On the other hand, I, who remember my childhood phone number and how calling Grandma and Grandpa was on a rare Sunday when a 5-minute call was cheaper, am somewhat relieved that I have no telephone. I simply could not get our local provider to install a landline (my preference) in my new home. So much for 40 years a customer.
The benefits of this form of communication -- telephone -- were spoiled for me by its abuse by friends and foe alike who know nothing of telephone etiquette: a call that Brother Garrulous keeps going for two-plus hours, an alcoholic "friend" who calls a dozen times a day and makes you feel guilty for not picking up, telemarketers who are incredulous that you ask for their personal number so you can call and interrupt their dinner, ad infinitum . . .
I'm all right with emailing and personal visits. I email Brother Garrulous I'll be over to visit, and when his nonstop chatter wears me out, I get up and say there's a dog waiting for me to walk it.
No lie there.
i ask this because i have noticed that many people in your life just don’t communicate like they could.. i realize i come from a different generation but does anybody ever use the phone and give someone a call?
i know of people who never answer their phone unless they listen to a message that would be left.
you are lucky if you get a text..
This seems to be an issue not just with WT. It seems to be a issue with non JW's as well. It is a sad state of affairs. Everyone just seems to be into themselves. Go figure!!! -- ToesUp
I have an uncle, nearly 80 years old, who's always been a real people person. He has telephoned as well as visited his friends and family since I was little. He lamented to me that no one seems to reach out and take the initiative. Even at his age, he will travel a great distance to see someone -- an old friend, a former neighbor, a dying relative . . .
He is a faithful and loyal person who does his duty and has had no regrets.
i ask this because i have noticed that many people in your life just don’t communicate like they could.. i realize i come from a different generation but does anybody ever use the phone and give someone a call?
i know of people who never answer their phone unless they listen to a message that would be left.
you are lucky if you get a text..
You know who your true friends [and family] really aren’t!
A good and up-to-the-minute OP, minimus!